Angel fish (Pterophyllum) are possibly the most distinctive of the cichlid varieties. The most common variety is the Pterophyllum scalare that is silver with black stripes. It has the shape of a discus fish but has elaborate dorsal and anal fins and a long pointed tail that gives it a serene and majestic look as it glides around the tank, possibly like the movement of an angel no doubt. This article will discuss some simple Angel fish facts, like the ideal conditions for the fish and how to care for them.
Angel fish originate from the Amazon river region. This water can vary in quality as it gets closer to the sea and becomes more brackish. However, Angel fish are most suited to acidic water that is found on the flood plains. It is typically slow moving and dense in vegetation. The vegetation eventually rots and creates debris that produces humic acid. This tends to make the water quite acidic or soft. The typical Ph levels would be 5 � 6.5. Water temperatures are also high at around 26-30 degrees Celsius.
Having said this, Angel fish today are so popular that they are mainly bred in captivity and inter-bred. This has made them more flexible to types of water and they can adapt to harder water. It is best to ask about the ideal water conditions for the type of angel fish you buy from the store owner.
Angel fish prefer a habitat that has plenty of plant life and rocks. The plant life should have large surface area leaves as Angel fish like to spawn on plant leaves.
Angel fish are generally carnivorous in the wild. They tend to drift in the upper to surface levels of water picking off young fish and even insects that might settle on the surface. In an aquarium they will eat Angel fish flakes, bloodworm, shrimp and shrimp brine. Due to inter-breeding and eggs being removed from parents some angel fish will eat their young.
With this in mind, Angel fish are generally placid and will live with other fish but it is advisable that the fish are of a size that does not tempt the angel fish to eat them !
Angel Fish diseases are the same as most other cichlid illnesses. Most diseases are introduced by snails that come with plants. It is advisable to check any new plants for snails before putting them into the tank. Another cause of disease is from bad water quality that can lead to stressful fish that can cause illness.
Ich is the most common disease that may affect your fish. The symptoms are tiny white spots on the fish, around the gills and fins. The fish may also start to rub themselves against rocks or wood. Ich is caused by a parasite known as ichthyophthirius multifiliis, a ciliate protozoa. Medicine, in the form of drops, can be purchased to remedy this condition.
Angel Fish will complement any fish tank, they exhibit behaviors that make them fascinating to watch. The tank bred varieties are quite hardy and make it easier to care for them. Having said this you really need to know how to maintain a fish tank and monitor the water quality.
Starting a fish tank ? Find all the products you need at http://www.fishtank-supplies.com . The site has features on the href="http://www.fishtank-supplies.com/Fish_Tank_Stand.html">importance of fish tank stands and why you need fish tank gravel . Adrian Whittle writes about keeping both fresh and saltwater fish.
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